What is allowed when driving? What is not allowed?
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Traffic rules – what is allowed and what is prohibited when driving?
Talking on the phone with your smartphone, wearing flip-flops or driving a car in a bikini, is all this allowed? The most important traffic rules are explained below.
In this country, there are numerous road traffic rules that are intended to ensure safety. But many drivers are undecided about what is allowed or forbidden at the wheel. Can I drive in swimwear? Which shoes are suitable? Is it allowed to use a dash cam? The following guide explains everything you need to know.
Mobile phone or smartphone at the wheel - what do the rules say?
Anyone who uses their mobile phone while driving risks serious accidents. Talking on the phone while driving, typing messages or otherwise acting on smartphones is life-threatening and therefore strictly prohibited according to § 23 of the Road Traffic Act. It is punished with a fine and at least one point in Flensburg. A quick look is allowed, but you are not allowed to pick up the device while driving. If you want to make a phone call during this time, you must either use a hands-free system or park the car and switch off the engine. The ban applies not only to the use of mobile phones, but also to the operation of other electronic devices such as navigation systems, audio recorders, tablets or e-books. Using the mobile phone as a navigation device is only allowed if it is placed in a holder and you do not hold it in your hand or operate it while driving.
What shoes can be worn while driving?
Barefoot or flip-flops, what is allowed when driving? Many are also unsure about this. With flip-flops behind the wheel, you don't have to worry about getting a ticket during a traffic check. But it is advisable to avoid them to avoid accidents. There is a high risk of slipping off the pedals or perhaps not being able to press the brake pedal in time. This can have serious consequences and can be considered negligent behavior in the event of an accident. If the cause of the accident can be traced back to this, you must at least expect a fine. If another person is injured in the process, a penalty order is also possible. Liability insurance always pays for damage to third parties, regardless of which shoe the driver wore. From an insurance law point of view, however, it can be problematic, because in the worst case, the fully comprehensive insurance reduces the benefit due to gross negligence or completely refuses to cover the costs incurred on your own car. It will be difficult to prove that the accident would have happened in the same way with suitable footwear. Bare soles of the feet are also not roadworthy. Therefore, wear suitable, sturdy, closed shoes when driving. If you go to the lake, you can still put on the flip-flops when you arrive.
What about clothing when driving?
In summer, it gets very hot not only outside, but also in the car. Of course, it is very tempting to drive a car lightly dressed or directly with a bikini. While this is not prohibited as there is no dress code while driving, you should still not do it because it could be followed by a charge of exhibitionism. This is a sexual inclination in which the affected person feels like exposing himself naked in front of others. That's how it could be viewed. Therefore, it is advisable to dress appropriately while driving. Without protection, you also risk injury in various situations, such as abrasions and cuts if you brake abruptly and the seat belt cuts into the skin. Frictional heat can even lead to burn injuries.
Are drivers allowed to use dash cams?
With a dash cam, which is mounted on the dashboard in the car, for example, you can record and save everything that happens right in front of the car while driving. But what do the rules say? Is this allowed? A distinction must be made here: Corresponding recordings can violate general personal rights. Permanent recording without reason is therefore inadmissible. However, it is possible to save them briefly in connection with an accident. Then, in the appropriate case, an integrated motion sensor triggers the recording. Many drivers use the small camera to use it as evidence in court in a case due to an accident. Such recordings can violate general personal rights. For example, the competent courts must weigh up what is more important, the prosecution of a traffic violation or the protection of privacy. According to the Federal Court of Justice, the recordings of a dashcam are generally admissible as evidence in civil proceedings. However, it is important to weigh up interests and interests individually. Do not show the videos to the police and do not post them on the Internet under any circumstances. If you are driving abroad, you should remove the dashcam due to the unclear legal situation. In Austria, for example, dash cams are banned.
What about winter clothing?
Is it allowed to drive a car with a thick jacket, scarf, hat and gloves? You should also avoid this, even if it is not contrary to traffic regulations. It is better to take off a thickly lined jacket when riding. It restricts mobility and responsiveness at the wheel. A large hood may not make it possible to see behind when looking over the shoulder. The belt is also not where it should. It can also slip easily and cause minor injuries, and in the event of a more serious accident, it can even cut into the abdomen. In this way, internal organs can be injured. With a scarf and a hat, you should make sure that the view is not impaired and that gloves do not make it difficult to operate the elements. Also avoid clunky winter boots, because they make it more difficult to handle the brake and accelerator pedals. Wear shoes that always allow you to react appropriately. But here, too, problems with the insurance company are possible in the event of an accident.
For sufficient safety when driving, everyone must adhere to the applicable traffic rules. These affect different areas. For example, drivers should know what is allowed on the road. You are not allowed to use or operate your mobile phone while driving. This applies to any use. There are no clear rules regarding clothing and shoes. Riding barefoot or with flip-flops is not a violation. But it is not recommended, because in an emergency there is a risk of serious consequences. Driving in a bikini is also allowed, but a complaint for harassment may follow. In addition, injuries are possible. Thick winter clothing also poses a safety risk. The legal situation regarding the use of dash cams is complicated. It is prohibited if the dashcam is not only used for a short time and on occasion.